Friday, 21 May 2021

my blog post

today I was learning to make a tour of my blog on a video to show what a blog is all about.
I found it hard when everyone would not be quiet so I could make a video so I found a quiet space
to learn I enjoyed it when  I had to scroll down and show people my blog and how It works

Friday, 14 May 2021

snake skin art

 today we were making a pattern with our art teacher Mrs. G she drew it and we colored it in with pastels I made a snakes skin. what I found hard was using the outline colors because they were smaller than the other colors and the black smudged a bit. what I enjoyed was how good the shapes came out cause the black smuged.

 today we were learning how to make a robot all about you the tummy opens

3D star art folded

 today we were learning how to make a 3d star and put caring words about you

Friday, 7 May 2021

Oliver's comment fridge

Today I was learning how to make a quality comment on other's blogs. Today we were practicing with our classmates.
First, you start with greetings. Second, say what you loved in the blog post, and for the last one end the comment with a question. 
What I found challenging was when I  screenshotted my fridge photo.
What I thought was fun was writing.
 Next time I need to work on my screenshot skills